I was re-elected to my third term, representing Legislative District 1, which includes most of Yavapai County and a small part of Coconino County. I am currently a resident (21 years) of the Town of Prescott Valley.

This will be my third session as Chair of the House Judiciary Chairman. I’m also a member of the Appropriations and Public Safety Committees.

I have been married to a school nurse for 32 years and have two adult children who graduated from Prescott High School. Casey Nguyen holds a corporate position in Southern California, and Sarah Nguyen is currently serving as a naval officer in the U.S. Submarine Force.

Legislative updates for the 57th Legislature (2025 First Session)

Law Enforcement, Public Safety, Primary Sponsored Bills:

  • HB2606: Appropriates $50,000,000 from the state General Fund (GF) in FY 2026 to the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS) for enforcement, prosecution, and detention of border-related crimes and to support local communities. Status: Passed out of the Public Safety Committee
  • HB2607: Introduces mandatory enhanced sentencing for possessing at least 200 grams of Fentanyl in a motor vehicle. Status: Hearing on 2/19/2025
  • HB2114: Establishes that an individual is guilty of a class 4 felony if he is over the age of 20 and engages in sexual conduct with a minor who is between 15-17 years old. Status: Approved by the House of Representatives 39-20. This bill will be transmitted to the Senate
  • HB2115: Establishes knowingly observing a nude minor for the purpose of engaging in sexual conduct for a person’s sexual gratification as a form of criminal sexual exploitation of a minor. Status: Approved by the House of Representatives 59-0 with 1 did not vote. This bill will be transmitted to the Senate

Health and Human Services, Primary Sponsored Bill:

  • HB2785: Implements prohibitions for assisted living facilities and nursing care institutions regarding the use of electronic monitoring devices by residents or potential residents. Status: Hearing on 2/17/2025

Natural Resources, Primary Sponsored Bill:

  • HB2731: Big Chino subbasin; Verde River – transportation to EITHER an adjacent initial active management area OR THE HEADWATERS OF THE VERDE RIVER WITHIN THE BIG CHINO SUBBASIN

Second Amendment Protection:

  • As Chairman of Judiciary, I have shredded 17 anti-2A bills introduced by the minority party. NO COMPROMISE!!!
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